This past weekend, Mike Joyce and I set off to Granada, Nicaragua. Every 90 days in country, one must leave for 72 hours, so that was the main purpose of the trip. I had never been to Nicaragua before, but luckily Mike had and therefore knew the bus line to take and a solid, clean and central hostel. We departed Friday morning at 6:00am hoping to arrive at the border a little before noon, then pass through swiftly and arrive in Granada at 2:00pm; we hoped...Unfortunately, efficiency at central American borders is not a priority. I understand that border passing needs to be done with efficiency and security perhaps in exchange for speed; however this border lacked all three. It was a good lesson in patience and to enjoy some solid "man talk" with Mike. It was interesting to see the contrast in poverty between Nicaragua and Costa Rica; but then again I suppose we live in the US with the same situation with Mexico...perhaps more contrast.
When we arrived, we checked into the hostel; dorm rooms being half the price of private rooms, so without hesitation dorm rooms were opted. The hostel called "oasis" was well operated and central to the "colonial" town of Granada. It was a relaxing weekend; eating, conversing, walking and people watching. I imagine that when Marty, Mike Sweeney and my Dad head to NYC, it is a similar outing except in English and perhaps a little better food in Little Italy. On the last night, I enjoyed a hand rolled Nicaraguan cigar...hard to get a fresh one of those in NYC. Today was the first day back on site at the deaf school, so it feels good to get back to a regimen and see all the familiar faces, now bronzed from recent "paseos" to the beach during vacation. Until next time...
Hope you steered clear of the Sandanista-Contras. I didn't pick up your call this morning because it said unavailable and I thought it was a former employer, I immediately regret this decision! It was good to hear your voice via Voicemail, though. Keep sunning and use SPF, Blanco.
dward sounds awesome. back in biz in costa rica. im settled in new house and have graduation ceremony tom afternoon. ill skype ya this wknd n well catch up. keep up the good work.
I can't believe I missed your call AGAIN! Please try evenings, I'm usually in class during the day. I tried to call the number back, alas it was 0-123-456-789, so I guess some generic number that I couldn't get to : ( Happy fin de semana!
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