Thursday, September 18, 2008

The Silence is Deafening

I am quickly learning sign language. It is unusual because in the classrooms, there are no words; the occasional sound check from a deaf child and the rapid movement of fingers. I spend the mornings with a kindergarten class, which at first i thought was a bit uninteresting, but in reality i need to be with them, because we are at about the same level in sign language, they're actually much better from the previous 5 years of communicating with their parents. But it is important to learn the colors, days of the week, simple important things.
In the afternoon I am with a first grade, and it is a bit more intense, they now have subjects and the teacher won't speak while signing. On Monday I start a class for learning LESCO (lengua de seƱas costarricense) Costa Rican sign language. It is every Monday for two months from 2pm - 6pm.
Normally, a deaf person has difficulty communicating in "society" if no other person around signs. I found that in this school I was for all practical purposes a "deaf" person because I am one of the only ones that does not know what to say, how to say it, or what the others are talking about. It is an extremely humbling experience; I now have a better understanding for the importance of communication and how frustrating it can be if you are lacking it.

"Humility like darkness reveals the heavenly lights."
-Henry David Thoreau


ScooterDeville said...

Dwardy Day-Lewis!

I like the blog. Learning sign language is crucial and now trilinguility is in your arsenal.


gramma k said...

Hi Ed, Each day must be so fascinating! You are learning a lot of important life lessons. (You will soon be wiser than this old gramma.) love gramma k

Emily Martucci said...

glad to hear your job is going well. sounds insanely interesting..i can't believe you're learning sign another language!! that's awesome though! keep up the good work!