Saturday, November 8, 2008

Hot Off The Press

I apologize for the delay in this post; it is a combination of laziness, occupied time, and faulty Internet. The past week has been similar to that of others; however, the past weekend was Halloween and a visit to Volcano Poas. Both were fun times! We had a Halloween party here at the house; it was an eclectic group of people from all of our ministry sites, the gym, and a friar or two. There were simply two rules to the party: 1. enjoy yourself and 2. must be in a costume. It was a great success. I was dressed as "Mr. Musculo" something of a Mr. Clean equivalent here in Costa Rica. The picture indicates what it looks like next to Fray Reto.
Saturday, Liz and I went to Poas to see the volcano; it was a bit foggy, but the experience was cool. You could smell the sulfur; but not see too much until the wind blew the fog and mist away. A friend of Liz's named Alfredo drove us there, and after we did lunch in San Jose at a cheap but awesome "diner-ish" place. I think I might frequent it today.
As for my birthday evening on Wednesday, November 5th, we had a good time. The community gifted me a chorreador which is a costa rica's version of the french press more or less. We had some wine and preprandials before we went to a sweet mexican restaurant called "La Antojita." The meal and conversation was enjoyable. Upon our arrival home, Lara frosted the cake she baked and a good ol fashioned "Happy Birthday" was sung. All in all it was an awesome birthday in Costa Rica. Thank you for all your birthday wishes, and I look forward to seeing you all at Christmas.
P.S. I will be more diligent in the entries from here on out.


mama said...

I am glad that you had a great birthday. My mother's guilt was kicking in all day. You are an excellent Mr. Musculo!

The MIZ said...

Glad you are back, I missed reading your blog and knowing what was happening CR way. Sounds like your birthday was fun ( glad to hear it). Miss you.
Grandma S

Brian O'Shea said...

i dressed up as bill murray's character from "the life aquatic", it's my facebook profile pic if you want to see it.

i hope the weather is still nice down there. here in ottawa it's starting to hover around freezing during the day, lots of wind but barely any snow yet.