Sunday, November 23, 2008

Karaoke Bond

The Internet gods decide that Sunday is an appropriate day to work, usually gods rest on the seventh day...any who, all is well down here in Costa Rica. The Internet was down all week, but not too much had occurred this week. I did not have work on Friday, so I took that day as a day of relaxation and cleaning. In the evening, a friend of ours, Katherine invited us to go out near the University down here, so we had some good times and enjoyed the night time. We went to a karaoke bar and did some dancing. All the songs were familiar to the Spanish speaking natives, but foreign to me; it would be the equivalent Journey's "Don't Stop Believing" being sung at a karaoke bar in the US...everyone knows it. It was an interesting and fun night.
Last night, Liz, Erin and I went to see the new James Bond movie; entertaining as usual. It was drastically cheaper than the US theaters...entrance was roughly 2200 colones (4 US dollars) and a large popcorn and pop was 2600 colones (5 US dollars). You can't even get a small coke at Crocker Park for 5 dollars, so this proved to be an awesome find for me.
Today, we had the standard awesome lunch with the friars, and soon i am heading to mass with Fr. Jorge. Other than that, things are going well...
I'll leave you with Padre Pio's daily thought on courage

“It is always necessary to have courage, and if some heaviness of soul or weakness of spirit comes upon you, fly to the foot of the Cross, place yourself amidst the heavenly perfumes and you will be unduly comforted and refreshed.”

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