Tuesday, December 9, 2008

"a la parilla"...spanish for "on the parilla"

Today is Tuesday; no work today because the teacher I work with, Laura was sick, and it is very difficult, if not impossible to find a substitute teacher that knows sign language. I relaxed today and we later celebrated the birthday of Erin(one of my roommates.) It was enjoyable; Italian food, little vino, cake and laughs.
The weekend was enjoyable. Friday night there was a work party with carne a la parilla which basically is marinated grilled meat...it was awesome. It was excellent to hang out with and get to know the people with whom I work outside of the workplace. Sunday after an delicious meal with the Friars at lunchtime; Liz and I decided to venture to a free concert up in the mountains. The name of the group was "Malpais" a well-known Costa Rican group. It was a worth-while experience. They reminded me a little of Dave Mathews band in that they have a violinist, pianist, flautist mixed with a bit of rock. All in all, the past few days have been enjoyable; but I look forward to seeing my friends and family in ten days!
I came across this quote today which I reflected on a bit and I think is interesting.

"Where your deep gladness meets with the deep hunger of the world, there you will find a further calling."
~Frederick Buechner


The MIZ said...

Your weekends always sound so much better than mine, but this weekend we went to a great 50th birthday party. There was a WILD dance contest, good music, plenty of food, and lots of laughs. Wish you could have been there. Looking forward to your homecoming.
Grandma S

Mel Reilly said...

ed - i think that party was mine! can't wait to see you. love, the old 50 year old.

mama said...

Single digits until you come home! You have been doing so many exciting things, I'm afraid you might be bored at home!

Laurie said...


Great blog! Glad to hear things are going well, and that you guys had a chance to see MalPais in concert! I have one of their CDs and my mom is now singing their songs whenever i'm at home.

Merry Christmas!