Sunday, November 30, 2008

Tico Turkey

Happy Thanksgiving! We, the community, went to Marta's house for a traditional Thanksgiving dinner on Thursday, which was an excellent "taste" of home, (pun intended.) Her husband is from the United States, so that was the reason of the traditional dinner and football (americano) being watched. It was a great substitute to the Thanksgivings at the Smith Household, but it was still a substitute. I missed being awoken by the smell of cooking turkey, watching the Macy's Parade and having my mother have fresh muffins and coffee ready. It just makes one appreciate more the familiar amenities.
The weekend was enjoyable; relaxing and reflective. Today was the beginning of Advent, and so we celebrated with a turkey lunch with the friars and the community after mass. It was a lazy Sunday afternoon; much enjoyed.
For prayer this evening, I found this excerpt and thought it appropriate for the beginning of Advent:
We prepare lists of things to do; We prepare lists of things to buy; We prepare lists of names for sending greeting cards; We prepare to decorate our homes, trim a tree, plan a Christmas dinner We spend hours of time in preparation Preparation is also a time for anticipation: We anticipate having a great holiday celebration; We anticipate reunions with family and friends; We anticipate the excitement in giving and receiving gifts. Within the preparation and the anticipation, do we make time for waiting? Waiting in quietness to hear God speak Waiting in wonder to know Christ being re-born in us; Waiting in silence to experience the Holy Spirit enfolding us. Let us prepare, anticipate, and wait during this season of Advent. God of my quiet times, you know how difficult it is to be still when I am busy preparing to celebrate Your birth. Give me the will to create quiet spaces in the everyday, as my life gets busier.


mama said...

Thanks for your reflective words to remind us of what Christmas is all about. We often lose sight of what is truly important. Anxiously awaiting your arrival.

Emily Martucci said...

Thanks for the sweet prayer excerpt! I will definitely be stealing that for prayer in our community! Enjoy the holiday season in CR!

The MIZ said...

Hi Ed,
Missed you at thanksgiving but you were thought of and mentioned in our "annual thanks comments", also in our prayers. Love the prayer just wish it was easier to put into practice,
Grandma S