Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Clinic not Clinique

I have discovered Prilosec OTC after 7 years of chronic heartburn; the only regret I have is that I did not discover it sooner. (Side note)
Today was a good day. For this week I am at Erin's site which is a clinic for terminally ill children. I find it to be one of the most uncomfortable things I have done in my life second to trying to fit into the harness for the canopy tour seen below. On a serious note, it is a breath taking site coupled with some pain and much needed compassion for the patients and there families. I now have a deepened appreciation for parents with special needs children. Many of the patients are non verbal often with a "button" in their stomachs for feeding. Imagine never tasting the glory that is a Netty's famous chili dog or a mother's homecooked dinner. It is a bit overwhelming to see the condition some of these kids are in with hydrocephalus or cerebral palsy; but it is balanced with the hopeful and strong wills of their guardians. It makes one appreciative of small things like tasting food, walking, having relationships/responsibility and having a "normal" life.
In other news, Liz had asked us to prep some answers for prayer tonight to her questions what does the gospel mean to you and how does it play out in your life via FrancisCorps's motto, "Preach the gospel, if necessary, use words." I'm off to discuss.

1 comment:

Lil Sis said...

That's a good and necessary way to be taken out of your comfort zone. I'm sure the kids/parents appreciate even just a smile and conversation, so I'm sure you made someone's day.

I guess I should stop boo-hooing over my blocked tear duct and sprained finger, eh?!