Sunday, January 18, 2009

If God Wanted Man to Fly, He Would Have Given Him Wings.

The arrival back to Costa Rica was nice, considering we fled as a community to the NW part of Costa Rica (Guanacaste) for five days. The were some of the most beautiful beaches i have seen. It's no Edgewater Park, but it will have to do.

Brother Jim and Sister Ann arrived on the 10th of January to commence our re-orientation retreat. It was excellent to see them, and to have some time to reflect and look back on the of months down here. Each day on the retreat was a different aspect to review, but I found the reevaluating of goals to be the most influential; it was interesting to see our community goals in week 2 without knowing each other or the country we were going to live in. Some were lofty, while others we had and continue to make into reality. Many of the community goals would be seen in a family if family made goals...i.e. be forgiving, learn life experience from each other, humor and hugs, share thoughts and experiences but do not dump them on each other. We also bolstered our individual goals. My goals for the remaining part of the year are as follows:
- read 17 books by August 1st
- keep journal and blog updated
- speak Spanish with reckless abandon. enjoy learning sign language
- do not generalize...look at the individual
- keep in contact with friends and family
- win respect/trust of children I work with
- bench press 300lbs by August 1st
- run 10 miles in 90 minutes
- use balance in all things
- initiate retreats
- create website for my ministry site
- enjoy free time; I won't have it next year
- emulate Christ in every opportunity
Feel free to challenge me by asking the progress of these goals; that's why they're public.
In other news, yesterday the community, Brother Jim and I went canopy touring flying several hundred feet in the air across 300 meters of cable. It was awesome! Hence the title of this blog entry. With this said, there was a good quote said on retreat that can be applied to not only canopy tours but life as well.
"Never be afraid to trust an unknown future to a known God."


Lil Sis said...

BOMBS AWAY! Looks fun, Ted. I wish I had some frogskins to come see that beach in person. And in terms of those goals, I might have to take you on what we in the biz call a "10-banger" when you get back to the states...make sure that 9 minute mile is continuous. Bye con Dios.

mama said...

I wrote the quote down about a trusting a "known God" and have it on my desk at school. Thanks for sharing.

p.s. I am excited and nervous to zip-line.